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Contact: Yang Xiaoli

Ministry of Foreign Trade: 0086-519-85518211

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Fine chemical raw materials industry has a bright future

Have already visited: 223705/09/2018  

As an important branch of the chemical industry, the rapid in today's global precision chemical raw material industry is still in the period, the precision of chemicals is closely related to the market demand with the macroeconomic level, the developed countries has been the leader of the profession.

A lot of fine chemical industry categories, wide, interlock intensive operation is precision chemical industry of China in the future direction. In recent years, China's fine chemical industry also adhere to the high speed increase, the annual increase rate remained at 24% ~ 45%, beyond chemical raw materials and finished products professional 6 ~ 10%. In the next few years, the domestic new energy chemicals, electronic chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceutical intermediates, environmental protection materials, engineering adhesives, such as the new category of fine chemical industry profession has a good develop prospect, meanwhile, technology first, management science, the advantage of the company is worth attention.

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Contact Us

Contact: Yang Xiaoli
Ministry of Foreign Trade: 0086-519-85518211
Mobile: 0086-15195021697
Sales one: 0086-519-85518211
Fax: 0519-83993058
Sales two: 0086-519-85512911
Add: Zhongwu Avenue,Tianning District Changzhou Jiangsu.P.R.C

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