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Three sentences about business!

Have already visited: 167504/09/2018  

Speech is an art, sales is a kind of learning.Do you know the sales?If take this question to ask 100 sales people, the answer may have 100 kinds.Everyone from different angles and in different thinking to understand the problem.Some might say sales is sales, just like eating, dressing and sleeping, what do you understand?But in practice, found that the different understanding of sales, with sales staff performance level and self improvement space size has a certain relationship. 
We take a look at this example:
A gentleman, do sales for three years, five industry, flat, don't have much savings, for 3 years sales but also in trouble for their livelihoods.He always think impassability, so a simple job selling products, and not what cutting-edge technology, why do bad? 
B, do sales is less than 2 years, changed to two industry, performance is good, has certain customer resources, with many customers have become good friends, the current income and savings, life.He think to have knowledge very much sales work, do a good job in sales, only bear is not enough, and brain. 
For A person, the simple work is selling products;For B, have knowledge very much sales work, the implication is that simple is not just selling products.Between a read, the results are very different. 
May someone will ask, is there A is wrong?Marketing is not selling products? 
A is not wrong, in 20 years ago may be right.But times are changing, the environment is changing, the idea of people also want to change.We work in the sales of each person, also want to take a look at your understanding of the sales whether to adapt to the environment has changed. 
I always think that a person without a good understanding before one thing, it is difficult to want to do it well.For sales work.It can be said that your understanding of the work, the more comprehensive and more thorough, so the greater the fits this job. 
Understanding of the sales under the condition of modern market, anyone guess.I put it divided into the following several aspects to topic and discuss them with you. 
1, dig demand.Sales is found on the premise of demand and satisfy demand.We sell a product, be sure to meet the needs of customers.No demand and sales, is a strong sell or deception behavior, it is against the nature of the sales.So in sales work, we will focus on how to find the customer's demand, and with our products or services to meet the demand.In practice, some requirements are dominant requirements, such as have a cold need to take medicine;While others demand is recessive demand, customers are not clear, such as weak body needs vitamin supplements nutrition health care products, this needs the sales staff to tap into this demand.To discover, mining the customer demand as the center, not to sell products as the center, this is our sales and improve the performance of a key. 
2, the perspective-taking, want to customers want ~ sales pursuit is a win-win situation.Pin is out of our products, we obtain the profits, customers gained or solve the problem, the two sides happy.This requests us in the sales work not for the sake of their own interests and damage the interests of the customer.For example, in practice, we often see some sales staff in order to put the pin out of a product by hook or by crook, a one-time deal.This will not only affect the image of the enterprise, but also from officialdom. 
3, the sale is to win in the competition.Market competition heats up has let us sales staff feel overwhelmed, a lot of friends in sales for many years in total like reminisced about: then how good sales do ah, how easy...In the market, we are almost can not find who sell exclusive products, customer choice is more and more big.At that time, we not only should consider how to pin out their own products, also consider how to get customers back from rivals.So we must carefully study the opponent, the enemy and know yourself, in order to gain a foothold in the market.But a lot of sales staff is aware of their products, do not know anything about competitors.So, how can let customers believe that your product is the right choice? 
4, sales is a long-term behavior.A lot of sales staff, after finish a business is like a broken line kite, disappeared without a trace.At the beginning to the customer commitment behind them, also have already got the money anyway.Little imagine, most of our business comes from the old customers.When do the first business, can think about how to talk to the same customer to do the second, third......How can let the customer to introduce yourself to other customers.It is important at this time, after-sales service.Many salespeople do for several years sales work but don't have much customer resources, who can blame?Like the black bear to break off the corn, snapping a throw a, it took time, tired half dead, results also couldn't get on.
5, learn to listen to sales is effective communication.Many sales of failure is not a bad product or customer no demand, but because of improper communication is not enough or communication, the two sides can't reach a consensus.Many sales staff in the face of customers always like to chatter, forget the behaviour of communication is mutual, an unwillingness to listen to the voices of others, cannot be successful communication.Facing the wide variety of products, the consumer is rational.Want to let customers buy your product, only to reassure all his can be achieved.In the process, communication is very important. 
6. Learn to ask questions, real sales is not so talkative, but know how wise to ask questions.A man's wisdom is not to say that you are trying to answer the question, but a clever of you to ask questions to have such a story: an expert sales sum up a chair to sell to others in three words: why do you want to buy this chair?(because my office needs a chair) how much money are you going to use for the chair?Good ($50), clinch a deal!

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Contact: Yang Xiaoli
Ministry of Foreign Trade: 0086-519-85518211
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Sales two: 0086-519-85512911
Add: Zhongwu Avenue,Tianning District Changzhou Jiangsu.P.R.C

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